When you tell your story with PicFoams™ & AcryliPics™,
you're also supporting a small family owned and operated business.
Hi! My name is Marisa and with my crazy family and some close friends, we own and operate PicFoams.com!
My dad started this company in the basement of our family home back in 2008. Back then, he was waking up at 4am every morning to start hand making everything by himself. Occasionally, he'd let us help him with the orders but when my little brother spent a good 1/2 hour taping up a package with nothing in it ... well, Dad figured it might be a good idea for us to focus on school instead. I can still remember the smell of acrylic piercing through the morning air when my siblings and I would head out to catch the school bus. Oh yes, our neighbors certainly knew how hard working our dad was!
Thanks to Dad's incredible work ethic and perseverance, his hobby manifested into a full fledged business serving customers across the country. I joined the PicFoams team after settling into my freshman year of college and it has been an absolutely amazing experience to learn and work alongside such an incredible man.
As we worked through the various obstacles of growing a start-up business, my family was also tackling challenges at home. My grandpa, Dad’s father, developed Alzheimer’s and the disease rapidly took root within him. What we noticed, though, was that Grandpa would always keep a picture of my late grandma close by him. It comforted him greatly; he’d sometimes even talk with her, remembering and laughing about the memories they created together throughout their lives. It was then we truly understood the incredible power pictures hold within them.
PicFoams took on a whole new level of importance for us. My dad and I started really focusing on what we wanted this company to be and how we wanted to connect with our customers. Soon after, we updated our mission statement: We recognize every picture tells a story and holds powerful memories. To honor this, we want to engage with customers to create lasting, beautiful pieces with them so they can treasure their memories forever.
We’ve had the amazing opportunity of working with you to create pieces worthy of displaying your most precious memories and it’s been an absolute pleasure for us. It’s our hope we can continue growing our little company and work to keep the power of pictures alive during even the most trying of times.
So just remember when you create your PicFoams and AcryliPics, you’re also supporting our little family owned business! And from our family to yours, thank you for choosing us to help you tell your own story!